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Was thinking about breeding as I've heard they are easy. Whats the easiest danio to breed? What would be the smallest tank possible to breed these in? What do I need to do to breed these? How many do you need to breed?

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Was thinking about breeding as I've heard they are easy. What's the easiest danio to breed?

Zebra or leopard are generally considered the easiest.

What's What would be the smallest tank possible to breed these in?

I would not recommend anything smaller then a tank 300x600x300, the reason for this is the number of fry that you may achieve from a spawning. Any smaller tank and you may have over crowding problems when the fry are still small and fragile if moved.

What do I need to do to breed these?

Very little.

Choose as large (fat) female as you can find and a good sized male, seperate them for a week. Place them in the spawning tank in the evening for anywhere between 24 and 72 hours and It is likely they will have spawned.

In the spawning tank you will need a spawning sit which can be a clump of moss or a spawning mop and an air line for aeration.

You can also use a spawning trap or 5mm gravel for the eggs to hide form being eaten, a low water line 75-100mm deep will help too.

How many do you need to breed?

A pair is all you need, in fact any more and you may be over run with fry.

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I'm NO expert ... after all I have a post on here asking what to do now I've breed them! :roll: :o

I have:

6x Zebra

6x Leopards

4x Gold

4x pearls

I think the zebras are the easiest...?? I'm sure I've read that....

Plus I now have baby danios which I think are mainly from the zebra's....

little too early to tell.....

Though in my case I have good reason to believe I could have zebra, leopards, and gold babies..... As all three types have had/have "fat mummys".

What I did:

THEY DID IT THEM SHELVES!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :roll: :lol:

OK: I've been feeding mine bloodworm (THEY GO CRAZY OVER IT!) and Brineshrimp... I believe Tubifex is another one but I've only just got that now.... Frozen "live" food is the way to go..... gets them in good condition and just puts them in breeding mode... At least thats how it happened for me.....

You'll want to have tank at about 25-26 they then spawn at first light.... My tank gets a ray of sun first thing so this helped me... (I believe it gets them going more?)

You'll want to have fine-leaved vegetation in your breeding tank (though for me it was in my main tank :oops: :lol: )

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if you REALLY want to breed have a breeding tank set up and put girl in there first then male.... as per what others have said....

other wise you have danios coming out or ears !!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

or like me have to set something up in a hurry and try to save babies from there parents..... no fun for fish or for me...

best of luck!! trust me they're REALLY easy to breed!

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The difference is temp and volume of spawn.

The WCMM will happily breed around 21C and although Zebra danio's will breed at this temp aswell, they spawn more readily slightly warmer.

Also more fry can be obtained from a single pair spawning of Zebra danio's then WCMM's.

If well feed WCMM's are less likely to eat their fry where as danio's will not hesitate to gobble up any eggs or fry they come across.

The care of the fry is exactly the same.

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