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6 discus in a 50cm high 200l tank?

Slightly Blue Dalmation

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i' no expert but i'd go 4, i have a 300L tank with 5 adult discus, 4 SAEs, 2 dwarf gouramis, 20 neons/cardinals, 4 sterbai and 2 BN. Just thinned this down from having half a dozen barbs (which weren't suited) and an additional golden male gourami and i think its a lot better

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yeah thats the problem i only have room for 1 tank and really like the other fish as well so am thinking i may have to consolidate on discus til i can get a bigger tank one day devoted to discus, and just get more rams etc. Cos id feel bad having big discus in a tank that would just get smaller and smaller to them, it doesnt do them the justice they deserve being such amazing fish. Also im not sure if time will permit 50% water changes weekly with a 10L bucket as there isnt a way of getting a hose in to do it that way

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A pair would be the go plus rummy, rams and corys. I have a tank set up like that now. You could have a look at it if your keen. Does need to be 50% water change but depending on the sand/stones you use this migth not be as big a job as you think. I'm looking at getting some Cockatoos down from up north. Are you keen.

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ever tried one of the water changers that connect to your tap? i empty my tanks by bucket but refill by one of those hoses that connect to your taps. Means i can sit down watch tv while it fills

The mixer is in the Kitchen, the tanks are down the hallway in a spare room, so I'd need a 15 metre hose! I've got new mixers to go in when I do up the bathroom, so when that is done hopefully I'll be able to rig something up. And I'll have one less tank by then anyway.

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Dude.. you really need to invest the $20'odd and buy one of those python thingies that you can hook up to your sink.

15m of hos is no big deal :)

I think the clear stuff is like $3/m...garden hose type stuff is even cheaper I think.. think of the time it would save you.

you could use the python thing to siphon out a window if there's one handy there and then just let 'er fill!

How much actual time do you spend doing water changes?

You must live and breathe buckets 16 hours a day!!!

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