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Broken fish????


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Hi... its been awhile since we have been on the site,.. the tank has been going really well and settled down nicely after initial few dramas!!

I have an odd question now though

We have a baby micky mouse platy that is about a month or so old.. and has been doing really well...looked in the tank yesterday and horrors .. he looks like hes got a broken back or something as now hes kind s shaped looking down on him... :o

hes just now sitting on the bottom of the tank with his tail out flat and his body upright (if that makes sense)... any ideas what to do.. how this could have happened?? i dont know wether to out him out of his misery or if it is even fixable!! HELP :cry:

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It can sometimes be a genetic fault to have the spine bend like that. Females can often get bent too after having too many fry.

Pegasus is one of our disease experts :D so hopefully he will have something more to add.

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Remind me not to post if any of my fish aren't perfectly happy for a while. My fish is fat! Kill it. My fish is bent! Kill it. My fish is grumpy! Kill it. My fish is depressed! Kill it. My fish is dead! Kill...Oh, wait.

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Ira, I didn't say KILL it when whitespot came up.

Or some of the other ones.

I say that, (KILL) when I recognize a disease where treatment is useless, it could pass on the illness, or is not worth worring about.

Like sheeze, a one month old platy.

What happened to the rest of them??

Or what about the rest of the fish in the tank for a fish worth less than 5 cents.

Worth risking it if it has TB.

I think not.


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