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Breeding pics


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Just snapped some pics of my peacocks breeding this morning thought I would share for those that dont see it all the time :)

This peacock is unidentified (same as Chazza's) so if the pics ring any bells to anyone let me know :)



Circling around picking up eggs and milt.


Male showing off


Male showing off again..


Hopefully I get an Id on these fish soon as I have just stripped a female and she had 30 odd babies and don't really know what to do with them!

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what do you think..

I only breed fish that I buy at the same time as the same thing, male and all females came from the same batch.. Too many hybrids around people trying to pick and mix females all worried about inbreeding, I only do this with my mbuna if I see an exceptional male/female from a good source.

Am trying to Id these guys im pretty sure they're some sort of mailieri they are very nice fish and im reluctant to kill their babies..

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I will probably keep the lot of babies I have on and sell them, unsure when or what as, I have sold some previously and they're around an inch they're with cichlidmad in wanganui so how they colour up will be the deciding factor, if they colour up like the dad then they're some sort of pure strain im picking mailieri, as this male is the dead ringer of the other mailieri I have just different shade of orange instead of a red colour..

These fish are currently in quarter of a 4ft tank (its divided) theres 1M and 3F in there, and also a male demasoni that im selling all was going well until I added the demasoni he seems to pick on them all even the male despite the fact that the male is like twice the size of him!

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Heh nice pics wish I could catch my africans in the act I just wake up or come home to 'sex pits' (i like to call em :lol:) and a female holding, I was wondering about that blue dorsal tip but its just from the flash after i've seen from taking some pics tonight.

Thanks for everyones thoughts and time put in on it, I'm happy with the conclusion of the species being a variant of A. Stuartgranti Maleri, that being said it is hard to distinguish a specific area or zone of lake malawi which they have come from, for example see this Stuartgranti variant map.

Alot of our (Ryan's and my) peacocks traits and characteristics are the same as those of Stuartgranti Maleri however something I have not come across often if at all through pictures or articles etc is the black in the finnage; this could be a attribute of the peacocks in the area or a maleri may have mixed with another peacock to gain this, but bear in mind I am just speculating and as we all know classifying peacocks isn't an exact science and i'm certainly no expert :lol:

Please note that as my dominant male has not reached his full size he could be yet to gain/loose certain colours and attain his final colouring so it is still hard to decide at this stage :P

Below are pictures i've taken tonight of my dominant male, if you read my post regarding Peacock ID and Aggression I was having some issues between the two large males, the largest of the two (shown below) won the jaw locking and the other is colouring down so I doubt any further physical aggression will be occuring in the near future.





Edit: resized images.

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