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Here is a good buffer recipe...

Epsom Salt

Marine Salt

Baking Soda


For every 5 (20 litres) US Gallons of water, add 1-tablespoon Epsom salt, 1-teaspoon baking soda, and 1-teaspoon marine salt. (You don't have to use the marine salt, only if desired)

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lol same as the link I posted above to the cichlid forum one :P haha have a read of the link doch it tells you what to do, and with everything add a little at a time to figure out how much you need to add for your water, it is all explained in the link..

Here is is again :)


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am still confused with this GH and KH the recipe given says get a GH berween 15-25 DGH but my info on my test kit only goes to 12 DGH i am using a aquarium pharmaceuticals test kit what should the solution colour be after some drops ? can anyone clarify this for me and put it into english

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Gh is general hardness.. Dont you just count the drops until the water changes colour? The more drops the harder the water? So if you drop in 15-20 drops its sweet?

Kh is the same thing just count the drops, if your Kh is low your ph will swing all around the place so its good to get that as high as it needs to be..

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If i were you i woudlnt even bother with GH and KH. Just get your pH up by buffering the water (use limestone or some sort of calcium/aragonite sand) and the other levels will be fine. I wouldn't try raising things with baking soda etc as most of them are just temporary fixes. SOOOOO much easier to just have a buffer in the tank or filter, and not have to worry about it.....

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I agree with Evil - for all of this chemistry I'm thinking the only recipe is for disaster.

I can only speak for myself but the only real problems I've had is when I dicked around with my water too much. It seems to be gettinig very complicated for a tank that doesn'y have fish yet.

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I used to do my water this way adding baking soda and salt to each 20 litre bucket when I stuck it in but gave up in the end too much work :) So much easier to stick the hose in each tank and let the coral sand do the buffering.. But if you cant find any you don't really have any option..

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The buffer recipe works very well if you are thorough with measurements and when water changes are done, the right amount is added... not a disaster if you are careful... many african keepers use this method overseas.

Running externals or sump with crushed shell or coral is a good option.

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