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quiet air pump


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Hi All

"You pays your money and you takes your chances".

It's a good quote and it's true.

I actually swear by "Electromagnetic Compressors", and there are those that swear at them. :lol:

But I am running three of these units, the largest being 200 litres an hour and the smallest at 50 litres an hour for my Brine Shrimp Hatchery, and not a one of them makes as much noise as a mouse farting. :wink:


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Hi All and Alan

The quiet mice came with the house when I bought it. :lol:

Electromagnetic compressors are not as cheap as vibrator pumps but are 90% more efficient, last a lot longer and are a lot QUIETER.

The smallest costs around $50.00 up to the largest unit I use which was just over $300.00, but I consider it money well spent.

I have had to replace the diaphram set in my middle sized unit after 4 years running, and that cost me $3.75; $2.96 cheaper than a diaphram for a vibrator pump. :wink:


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