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female syno? or just fat?


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Hi Midas,

My Feather Fin also seems to go really fat like that every so often (about every month), but no quite as fat as yours. I have been wondering wether it is them fulling up with eggs as well, but I'm not sure. The only way that I know how to sex synos is this from Planet Catfish -

First lay the fish in your hand with its head toward your palm and the tail toward your fingers. Hold the dorsal spine between your middle and ring finger so the fish is belly up and you won't get stuck (Which by the way, hurts like crazy!). The genital pore is in a small furrow of tissue (in healthy fish) and will be obstructed by the pelvic fins. Pull down on the tail gently to arch the fishes spine and the pelvic fins will stand and the furrow open to display the genital pore and the anus of the fish. The male has a somewhat ridged genital papillia on which the spermatoduct is on the back side, facing the tail fin. A gravid female will also show an extended papillia but the ovaduct is on the ventral side of the papillia (And may also show a little redness if really gravid). A thin or emaciated female will have just two pink pores, the ovaduct and the anus.

Cheers, CatBrat.

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