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Best WCMM fry food


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Hi guy,

I have a few questions about the best WCMM fry food. What is the best fry food is it green water or infusoria or even something different than these two. Also how does it take to get green water, as I don't have any water troughs. I've read that you just some lettuce leaves in a jar and leave it in the sun to get infusoria. Also how long does it take to get infusoria and green water? How do I feed it to the fry and how much do I feed them? Once the fry are big enough I'm going to feed them crushed flake then frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp. On this diet how long do you think they will take to grow to sellable age?

Any help is appreciated.

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Yeah I was trying not to set up a microworm culture just something simple like green water or infusoria. I'm planing on using a little tank I have its got a built in light which I thought would make it easier to see the fry. It’s going to have a marble substrate with a clump of java moss on the bottom and Indian fern floating on the top (pretty much like a livebearer breeding setup). I don't plan on leaving the parents in the tank with the fry I'll just leave them in there until I see fry or some eggs.

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The only problem with keeping the parents with the fry is that the parents will properly breed again and I would soon be over populated. Yeah I wouldn't mind starting microworms but I wouldn't know what to do to keep them going and a starter culture at my lfs is about $10-$15 and I think that’s a bit of a rip especially when I'll properly kill them.

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If you want microworms ill give you some..

WCMM's are very very easy to breed just chuck them in a well planted tank.

As for green water chuck a container outside in the sun and stick some lawn mower clippings or something in it and then it will go green, its just water born algae that they eat.

infusoria I have read you munch up some lettuce pour some boiling water over it and stick it in the sun, something to do with the water going cloudy is when there is infusoria in it? Just google it im sure you will find info..

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OK tanks ryanjury I might take you up on your offer about the microworms I'll just have to see if I can find anything to make the media out of any tips on what you or anyone else use.

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all I have done with my wcmm tank, is place it on a window sill. Chuck in amublia and indian fern and a HOB filter and then add water.

No water changes, just water top ups from the tap.

Feed mine, flake and whiteworms.... heaps of babies and don't worry about fry food.

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They are not like most fish that you can condition up then get a very large spawning and remove the adults. They lay a few eggs all the time and the eggs and fry are very difficult to see. You will probably spot the first fry hanging on the sides (sometimes easier to spot with a torch at night.) You should get a few though as they are harder to stop than start breeding.

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