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suggestions for easy to breed cichlids


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Hi Guys,

I have an 85cml x 25cmw x 50cmh tank which is currently housing a pair of angels and their wrigglers. When the fry are bigger i will move them to another tank and put the angels back in my 4ft tank, or give them to a friend.

just wondering what is a nice easy to breed, semi interesting cichlid that will be low maintenance (well relative to breeding fish), and happy to breed in this size tank.

what i had in mind was a pair of convicts, or maybe a mouth brooding african fish like the electric yellows. anyone got any other suggestions?

particularly african fish as ive never had any of those before so would be keen to try



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There might be someone around wanting to sell some adult Brichardi... we keep both, Pulchers and Brichardi.. currently have some older youngster Brichardi available... but Pulchers are a way off, this lot are a bit young at this stage. Once you decide on a definate, might pay to ask around in Trade and Exchange section 8)

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A few leleupi around at the moment, but will need about 5 young ones to start off- but cool fish- lovely colour.

Or give the Jewel Cichlid a go- the most American looking African I think-easy and cheap.

Both like hidey holes but also gregarious and fun to watch.

Agree with the Daffodil option too -it's like someone did a custom paint job on a brichardi.

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thanks for the suggestions guys, and thanks for the offer wok.

i have decided that i would ultimately like some daffodil pulchers :)

will post in the trade and exhange section.

afrikan, when your little ones grow up please contact me as if i havent got any by then id be stoked to get some of yours (if you are willing to ship...)



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