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Trouble in paradise


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So my bolivian ram fry are 3 weeks old now and looking really good, however, as of now they are still in the parent tank and I think it may be time to remove them. Their doting dad seems to be picking on mum a bit and my guess is that the novelty of 100+ babies is starting to wear off for the happy couple and tiredness is setting in... and perhaps also an urge to do it all again from the start (sounds contradictary, but I have heard that pairs will spawn from 2 weeks after their fry are free swimming- so maybe the funny behaviour indicates readiness to spawn?)

Anyway it isn't too much of a major to seperate them as I've just bought a couple more 2 foot tanks to grow the fry out in, however as I just got them last night of course they are not going to be cycled which is a little bit of a problem. I have a sponge filter from another tank that is cycled and ready to go if needed (the tank has plants and one platy in it but can move the platy back to the community tank easily enough while I cycle another filter in his tank). Just wondering what would be best to do with the fry, they are known to be very sensitive to nitrates at such a young age. Do I leave them in the well established, planted breeding tank that I bred thme in, and move the parents into the new tank with new gravel etc? Or do I leave the parents in their tank and move the fry into the new one? I'm doing 15% daily water changes on the fry tank as it is so maintenance time isn't an issue. What do you guys think?

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I'd not want to disturb the fry - prepare a new tank for the parents - perhaps glass bottomed with the cycled sponge and some water from their current tank, but do lots of water changes until you are confident that the tank is stable. Once the filter is up to par, add gravel etc.

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If your original tank is large, fill one of your 2fter's with it, you can cycle the sponge in the parents tank.. But if you've already cycled it you shouldn't have too much trouble.

I usually half fill the tank with original water transfer the fry, then top the tank up gradually with fresh water.. Depending on the size of the fry and what your feeding they wont produce much bioload anyway..

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Thanks for the quick replies! Am definitely going to have to do the move tonight... :-? Mum is now stuck right up at the top corner of the tank taking refuge in the java fern and looking pretty unhappy. Its like the male has taken his job as dad WAY too seriously and is doing everything he can to keep her away from "his" kids (K-fed and Britney anyone?) even though they used to be really good parents together, sharing out the protective duties....

Unfortunately the original tank is also only a 2 foot but I will do as you said ryanjury and take maybe 50% of the water from that to setup the new tank. I'm thinking after looking on the net that I'll move the fry to the new tank but keep it bare botttom so it's cleaner. Will take filter from the parent tank as well and do the filter swap from the planted platy tank, and make sure I do water changes on both every day until they've settled down.

On another question now-will jave moss survive ok without a light on the tank? It is in quite a sunny little spot, just want the fry to have some kind of shelter and a little bit of a food source in their grow out tank..

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Sounds like a good plan and good advice to, in the mean time tho before change over, if you have a large enough breeding trap, you could place the female in there till tonight... to give her a rest from the woman basher... I have done that the odd time with african females to let them have peace.

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Thanks guys :-) The breeding trap I have is probably too small for a ram, but it's a good idea. There's a huge indian fern plant in there that she has taken refuge in at the moment that seems to be keeping the male out. Anyone have any ideas what is causing his behaviour though? I'm really hoping that once I get the fry out they will kiss and make up, so to speak... :-?

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