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How di I breed Minnows???


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Steveo - google is your friend.

There are about 20 threads on the subject in this forum alone plus hundreds on the net.

Go read dude, we can't do that for you!

And as to the "type of plant you put in a tank to breed minnows" - you can use any plant which is fine and dense, java moss, cabomba, even sagittarias in a dense stand, so the eggs fall in between the plants and the parents can't eat them.

Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Without properly setting up breeding tanks, I have some success by placing a layer of glass marbles over the substrate, the eggs that fall through escape adults eating them.

Also from keeping the gravel siphon I get fry hatch out over about 1 week. I have 20 "Sunset" Mountain Minnows about 10 weeks old now, and 3 in my main aquarium with the 5 adults & more appearing each day, & about 6 clinging to the 'siphoned' bowl.

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