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Everything posted by Steveo

  1. Thanks for your input, i went to Bunnings and had a look around last weekend but the guy there said all their stuff had additives so I passed. Is this stuff stores outside in the big sections that you can buy trailer loads from? or inside somewhere. Alan do you go and get you own river sand or from that place you told me? thanks
  2. Yeah I think you could be right!
  3. Where do you get the sand from? Someone mentioned some from Oderings, I got it home washed it out, setup the tank and added some sterbai that were fully grown, woke up in the morning and boom all dead gutted! tested the ph was a little high but nothing major. Can anyone help? with where to get it and how to wash it? I love te effect it has
  4. Does anyone have any experinces with this? I am looking to try this out
  5. Dixion how did you wash the river sand? I brought some yesterday, gave it a wash and the waters still murky? Does this just settle down? Quite a cool effect in saying that.
  6. Great thanks for your thoughts, keep them coming
  7. Thanks heaps anyone else have bred these before or have any more good information
  8. Thanks alot, do you know where you can get sand or fine substrate? Alot of it I have seen is very expensive.
  9. I have two 2ft tanks that i want to set up for breeding my agazzi and elegans cories. Im unsure of how I want to set the setups up. Substrate: I was looking at buying some of the very fine orange gravel that is only 1-3mm big and planting some plants with big leaves amazons etc.. I was hoping the fry wouldnt get lost by using a smaller gravel. Filter: I was thinking of using a small airstone filter, would an underground filter be better or what other kinds of filter would be better? I have bred bronze cory before but just want to see what other advise others have before I setup the tanks. Im looking have only the cories in the tanks.
  10. Have bred some bronze cats before, was wondering if anyone has had success with these types of catfish? Havent seen these before. Any information on conditions, substrate and feeding
  11. What were the conditions like for the fish? Temp etc. What did you feed them and how big are they I have some elegans and aggazzi im keen on breeding soon
  12. Thanks alot every one keep it coming
  13. Can anyone offer me any tips on breeding these I have six of them, one foot and two foot tanks, gauze. What conditions is best etc? How do you determine between sexes? Thanks
  14. I meant peat slows the fungi process sorry
  15. Put some peat in a pantyhose sock, this will help aid in thye fungi growing. That is they havent been fertilized, I have 500 eggs from my bronze cats however none of them were male so they just went all fungal. Keep them in their own tank I had better results
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