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slimey green algae


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I have had my sons tank(aquaone 75l) set up for about 2 months now, and keep getting a green slimy growth all through it. It is over the plants, glass and gravel. It comes off like a skin. How do I get rid of it without pulling the tank apart and what is it caused by.



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black beard algae! doh! I've only just got to the point where this is dying out in my tank. Have been dosing with FLourish Excell which boosts plant growth but not algae growth (different ferts). It works as the plants use the ferts from the excell plus other minerals that algae needs. End result is less minerals for the algae to use and it'll die off.

I increased my water changes (frequency and size) - and made an effort to siphon out as much gunk as I could (rubbed it off plants, wood etc).

there are some fish that will eat this sort of algae as well. Good thing about the excell approach is you are boosting plant growth and its slightly more of a 'natural' process rather than adding algae killers etc...

good luck! it may take a while but with a bit of effort you can get it under control :D

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green slime sounds alot more like blue-green algae to me (cyanobacteria)

Use the search for lots of info on it.

Basically it seems to like low nitrates (ie: plenty of plants and not alot of fish) and high phosphates (a bit much feeding or dying plants).

Black beard algae is fuzzy and I don't think it tends to grow on the glass and gravel.

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Green and skin-like is cyanobacteria, not black beard algae.

Clean out as much as possible then do a total blackout of the tank for 3 says. Do not feed the fish during this time - it won't hurt them, nor will they starve. Clean out again.

Depending on why you have it, it can be difficult to eradicate. It is important to find the cause and rectify it.

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Thanks for the replys, I tried a search bt the search function is out of action. A total black out means to cover tank completly from light? I have 3 small angels and a paradise fish. Im not totaly sure on the paradise fish, it was given to me by a play group who was getting rid of gold fish and that was in the tank as well. The tank was in an airconditioned room so was fairly warm anyway.



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