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jardinii feeding.


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hi guys

newly acquired jardinii. i have owned arowanas in the past, generally very accepting of food.

this jardinii is a little strange, some days it will munch raw shrimp, some days it will relish ox heart. but some days, it will take a bit, and drop it or chase it and then when its close, swim away.

the fish si active and chases food and comes up to the tank when you are dropping food. but pretty random in terms of acceptance of food.

i want it to be generally accepting of beef heart or shrimp.

what do you think i shoudl do? starve it untill it eats that readily? or jsut feed it what it wants to eat? variety is after all the spice of life

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my jardini eats anything that goes in the tank voraciously

including fingers, he can eat a whole packet of bloodworms in one go.

i can feed him tons of shrimp and then put heaps of pellets in for my cichlids he chases them off and eats everything he can get near.

so yours being choosey seems odd to me :P

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i have a fluval 204 in that tank you had so plenty of filtration

i love it

its hard to resist feeding it

every care sheet and forum says i must feed it as it is mature only once every 3 to 4 days.

so thats whati have been doing so far. feeding it shelled prawns soon ill try crab legs and shellfish

but i want to feed it lots, its relaly fun feeding it:D but i have to resist

new found love for puffers, i have already started my search for a FAHAKA puffer:) tank is ready and all

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