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bolivian butterfly rams have laid eggs help


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LOL, I am in exactly the same position as you. A couple of hours ago my blue rams laid eggs.

I think its generally accepted that for the eggs to survive (which they usually wont in a community tank) you remove them, and whatever they are attached to, into another tank with an airstone and some methylene blue. Making sure to keep eggs underwater at all times.

Problem is, I don't have methylene blue :roll:

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Yay, it must be ram season, my bolivians spawned last week and fry are just at the free swimming stage as of last night :D

Do you have a spare small tank that you can remove the parents and eggs to? Doesn't need to be much, just a few plants and gravel bottom (for the male to dig pits) and a cycled sponge filter (or do what I did and cover an internal filter with mesh so as not to suck fry in). At 28-29 degrees C the eggs should hatch in a couple of days...

Anyway-at least you know you have a pair now and if all reports are true they will spawn every 2 or 3 weeks in the right conditions so you'll have more than one chance to rear babies! :lol:

Try these links (finger's x'd they work lol) I found them to be pretty helpful so far:



http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/bre ... inosa.html

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:bounce: Hi guys, thanks for the wonderful help. Have found that another pair have laid eggs on another stone so have put both stones in a clear plastic caulender (don't have spare tank at the moment) with airstone and am floating it on top of the main tank. Should I put some java moss or some sort of cover over the top so the eggs don't get too much light when I switch the tank light on in the morning, or will the light not affect the eggs?

Got 6 bolivian rams from the neat little pet shop in Taupo last Wednesday and didn't think they'd be mating up just yet.

Thanks again for your help. Love this site.

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Hi, my tank is 1200 x600 x600 and I have 6 neon tetra, 6 beacon fish head&tail, 4 angelfish, 2 albino cory, 1 female opaline gouramie (the male died), 4 striata loach, 3 clown loach, 6 platy, 2 female emperor tetra plus the 6 bolivian butterfly ram. Have a combination of medium and small gravel, with a few larger stones, plus assortment of plants (live and plastic) run 2 airstones and an Aqua One CF 1200. The light is a 4foot flurescent tube.

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