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Discus diet - help please


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Hi everyone, i'm finally going to be able to get some discus in the next couple of weeks, so want to be prepared with food for the new arrivals! they should all be about 5-6cm.

Any advice on what to feed, as i understand a varied diet is good, how much to feed and how often would be really appreciated :hail:

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blood worms are really good and they love them!

also oxheart is a good source of protein for fast growth and easily kept in small frozen amounts then grated into the tank.

also i feed tetracolour bits which are supposed to be a natural colour enhancer and are a good slow sinking food which is helpful for discus as they are often too timid to feed on floating food at first.

hope that helps, i use it all on my discus and they are in top health and lookin really good wit zero other aditives to my tank :D

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I rotate JBL Gala (a mixture of flake and bloodworms), JBL Grana Ciclid, and JBL Novobits as the staple (they get each for a day or two), but every weekend they get frozen bloodworms. Quantity is a little harder to give advice on because Discus are often 'grazers' and it depends on their size and what other fish you have in your tank, but you need to make sure that there isn't much left over after about 10 minutes. If there is, reduce the amount you feed.

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I feed mine (4 discus, 9cm, 8cm 2 x 6cm)

The following amount daily in 2 meals:

1/2 tsp JBL gala flake

1 -2 tsp Tetra colorbits

2 frozen (blister pac) portions of bloodworm or Schlingmanns Discus Fit.

I wonder sometimes whethers it TOO much as my phosphates are higher than I would like?

Regards, TGWH

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Can also buy frozen from most LFS preprepared "Discus Tucker" which, (according to the packet,) is a mix of insects, shrimps, beef, fish oils, cereals and veges.

As mine are in community tank I mix with frozen bloodworms and seriously green tucker to ensure everybody gets a bit of variety :D

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I feed mine New Life Spectrum pellets, Veggie Flake, Omega One Cichlid Flake, Frozen Brine Shrimp & Mysis Shrimp. Live brine Shrimp, once in a blue moon live black worms.

I avoid bloodworms for various reasons.

I avoid Beef Heart, fish are cold bloodied & cannot assimilate fat from warm bloodied animals. Therefore it is stored in tissues, especially the liver.

{I know people will say they have done so... blah blah blah. Just stating a fact & with what is available why take the risk. Good luck, well done etc to those that do.}

Frenchy :D

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