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Is this Nyassae?


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Hi all. I bought these fish as Aulonocara Nyassae from a private seller when they were unsexable.I got four of them and have ended up with three males and 1 female.

The female has recently released 17 fry which I have in a nursery tank.

I've recently posted in regard to the fact that I've been sold certain fish as Johanni which have been identified as probable hybrids :-? Never mind...still a good looking fish , but I'd like to get the forums opinion on these Aulonocara just to see if I've got a pure fish.

One of the males.


The female...holding


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Nice looking fish man, I have no idea what they are really.. I dont think Aulonocara Nyassae is used anymore? It is my understanding that all peacocks used to be listed under this (which is why our import list only lists this as an allowed import)...

This is the cichlid-forum link to nyassae

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/s ... hp?id=1386

Doesn't really tell you much!

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I've looked at cichlid-forum.com and theres not much to go on there. I've got Axelrods Atlas and there is one pic of a male that looks like mine but the other pics look a bit different to mine. The pic of a female looks like mine. Pg 724 and 759 if you have it.

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The problem is you bought them as something else. All we have done is suggest what we think it looks like. A lot of peacock species are similar therefore, we can't be 100% sure if they are pure. All you can really do is call it by a common name. Something like maleri golds, sunshine peacocks.

That is all

Frenchy :D

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Seems we have purchased the same peacocks from the same person. I obtained 12 (no name) as fry. Now fully grown with 8 females and 4 males. At one point I had all 8 females holding :) The only thing that disturbs me is that 3 of the males are yellow but one of the males turned out orange. All females are identical. :-?

Not to happy about that. (Colour in males that is)

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Thats about the time and place.

The males do look pretty awesome but still it pisses me off.

The best Aul. stock I have and breed are originaly from OOA tanks and these guys breed true ALL the time. Especially the Aulonocara stuartgranti Hansbaenschi (red shoulder). Not like the royal blues that are around that spit out albino's.

Still have these guys which I am selling.

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. Not like the royal blues that are around that spit out albino's.

Still have these guys which I am selling.

Albinos are natural. Just means your male & female carry the albino gene. Therefore if that is the only problem they are breeding true. If you don't like albinos, fair enough.

As for the variance in yellow to orange in the peacocks. How much of a difference are you talking about? If they are maleri golds per say, they throw the odd variance in colour.

Line breeding Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Chipoka", gave us the eureka reds, rubin reds etc.

Chipoka's themselves vary from a deep yellow to a dark orange.

Frenchy :D

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Yeah, alot of colour difference. The orange one has no yellow at all and the yellows no orange. It's not a deep orange as my Rubescens, but more pale.

As for the albino's, do they not have to have pink eyes to be classified as a albino?. The royal blue albinos eyes where black not like my albino peacocks which I have had now for a number of years. Which I do like. Have breed these little fellows a few times now and have breed true.

The fry that I obtained from the Royal Blues had about 7 odd albino's which all have died now. They always hang around the bottom of the tank and never grew as large as the rest. They all seemed (albino's) to have trouble swimming.

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