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tHEcONCH's Red Sea Max


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Nah the Xenia I got from Jolliolli is growing like nothing i've seen before

yeah mine is growing pretty crazily too, needs another fragging i think

I have noticed some tiny wee snails in my tank with the same shells as my big ones, I'm hoping that they'll make it to a larger size before the wrasse eats them for lunch

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I dont think adding another red would solve any problems

Guess we'll see :)

Those Allens damselfish are quite cool too, very tempted to get a couple, but having had damsels before, I know that they're little shits at the best of times!

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lol im in for that!

Its a secret... we don't want to upset the Mandarin Police


wilson knows all :wink:

now that i have my MH ill start a few softies going i need some nice stock to get it going tho - donations are welcome and will be remembered :wink:

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I'm still using stock RSM ones - mainly because they were readily available rather than any specific preference. I'll probably try some alternatives if they become available. I've tucked a brand new RSM one away so I can do a few Lux-meter tests on it at some point.

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I plan on monitoring a stock one vs alternatives for about 4 months to see what the drop off in output is like. When I replaced my old RSM ones with new RSM ones they seemed very bright and very blue, but they dropped back into their 'normal' state after about a week. Its a pity there is no way to bung an extra one in there somehow.

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