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tHEcONCH's Red Sea Max


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go into organism ASAP john got in a shipment of lots of fish today and corals they wont last long and dont ask about the sixline wrasse ive already got my name down for it :wink:

all johns marine tanks have fish in them :bounce:

Damn new tank. I could've taken the majority of those fish today if I knew my tank would've kept up haha.

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Hidden, catch a glimpse of their antennae every now and again. The clowns had a big scrap, obviously sorting out who was going to be dominant. Seems to be sorted now. Both seem interested in my octopus coral and have both eaten. All looking good :)

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Guest Anonymous
but wondered how it would go with the mandarin in terms of competition for food.

I was wondering this also. As I noticed our Coral Beauty abolished the pod population in our RSM in approx 1 week. Then it took to the algae.. leaves a nice lawn effect looks pretty cool :D

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I was wondering this also. As I noticed our Coral Beauty abolished the pod population in our RSM in approx 1 week. Then it took to the algae.. leaves a nice lawn effect looks pretty cool :D

Neither Flame Angel seems to have had a negative effect upon the Mandarins health. The Flame speds a lot of time 'grazing' algae, whereas the Mandarin pokes about the rock - oddly enough, they seem to hand around together - the flame leads the way, and the Mandarin buzzes along behind pic'n and prod'n.

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I was quite taken with the flame angel you bought the other day and the anenome! However i went home to an afternoon of aiptasia injecting.... ahh how fun ;)

Yea, not so much fun. I've found boiling water to be a bit useless - its often not hot enough by the time you apply it to completely kill the aiptasia (which regrows from the stump), yet it kills all your coraline algae. Although its difficult to apply sometimes (the needle supplied is too narrow guage) Joes Juice works pretty well first time around. I got an 18 guage needle which draws the solution up better (although the lumps still block it) and found that much better.

Re lights in the RSM, I'm just using standard lights (2 x 55watt T5's - specs here http://www.redseamax.com/redseamax/Red_ ... specs.html ), although I'm replacing the tubes every six months (cf the usual nine months) - although I hear rumours of a metal halide conversion kit. I'll just have to see how the Anemone goes - I'm still a bit new to the marine thing, so hopefully it will like where I've put it. It has locked on to the rock and expanded, so that's good I guess.

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wow didn't know that about it killing the coraline algae, eeek. i'd heard mixed reports on the joes juice, but maybe i'll give it a go, i hate these damn things :evil:

I think its probably more or less effective depending upon how you apply it - you need the aiptasia to eat it, not just retract from having a pile dropped all over it. You have to shake the bejeebers out of it to get rid of the lumps - I'll leave an 18 guage needle for you to collect from John's too.

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So, who out there knows about 'Heteractis malu' Anemones? Any advice on keeping one healthy greatly appreciated...

Me! :D H. Malu is my favourite anemone. However you say it is locked onto the rock? This is not typical behaviour for an H. Malu, they dig their foot into the sand and will not normally go into rock unless there is no option at all. They are often confused with another species, perhaps that is what has happened in this case.

Can you post a pic of it, including from behind? We'll do a positive ID.

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