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Whats a good fish ...


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I'd go with tetras or other school fish (eg danios, tiger barbs, etc). Many are easy to breed and raise, and shops sell heaps so they are easy to sell. Cichlids are easy to breed but impossible to get rid of. Livebearers are easy, but tetras are more productive.

Pretty much any of the really popular school fish are easy to breed -- thats why they are so cheap to buy.

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that's not too difficult to breed, and are easy to sell their fry?

Easy to breed means there's lots of people breeding them and you won't get much (if anything) for the fry. If you want something worth breeding (for the money you'll get for the fry) you'll need something thats either hard to breed, or something rare that no one else is breeding.

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Easy to breed means there's lots of people breeding them and you won't get much (if anything) for the fry. If you want something worth breeding (for the money you'll get for the fry) you'll need something thats either hard to breed, or something rare that no one else is breeding.

What would be good examples?

What about electric yellows?

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What would be good examples?

What about electric yellows?

Electric yellows are pretty coomon and easy to breed, but you might still be able to get a little bit for the fry (wouldn't be making a profit tho).

Rare/expensive discus are a bit more challenging to breed, but the babies are worth more. Convicts and common and breed easily, and the fry are almost impossible to give away. Arowanas are expensive to buy and require a huge set up to breed, but you could make a lot of money with good colour strains.

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You have to remember the more the fish are the worth the harder its going to be to sell them

I sell more Bristlenose then anything else and even though virtually everyone breeds them I still cant keep up with supply

As for cichlids E Yellow are still the more favourite ones


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Yes, I was gonna recommend Electric Yellows to him. I also recommended Rams.

Oh, I should probably mention that he would like them to be ... unusually colored. My dad used to catch guppies/fighters/swords/etc from rivers and drains when he was a kid, so he would like something much different from them.

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Before I forget, whats the best way to catch 1.5cm BNs out of a planted tank?

A fish trap.. remember those baitcatcher things the kids use off the wharf?

You can make one from a small plastic bottle, put some food in and leave it overnight. Luckily pleocs aren't very smart, some are bound to swim in and not get out :lol:

You might only catch a few each night, but at least you wont bust up the tank doing it.



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Go ask you local pet shop what they would take off your hands (buy from you) and then if you breed something and have way to many the surplus could go to them. I have taken some of my baby platies to the local pet shop and he has purchased them off me for a reasonable price.

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A fish trap.. remember those baitcatcher things the kids use off the wharf?

You can make one from a small plastic bottle, put some food in and leave it overnight. Luckily pleocs aren't very smart, some are bound to swim in and not get out :lol:

You might only catch a few each night, but at least you wont bust up the tank doing it.



Cheers for the idea. I'll wait till they grow a little bigger before I try that out. I was tempted to actually catch them out now as they aren't still that fast yet. Once they get bigger it would be near impossible.

Also, how does daphnia do in Chch weather? I'm thinking of leaving a container outside the house to culture some daphnia for my fish.

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