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Blue Male fighter

Betta Friend

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I have a small tropical tank. We have 1 male fighter, 1 cat fish and 4 neon Tetras. We noticed the blue fighter not being very active and 1 side fin is clenched. We have changed water, treated for fungal infection and added a small amount of salt over the last 2 weeks. the fin still remains clenched. He is still eating well however. Can i please have some suggestions to help our little friend.

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When you have a sick fish the first thing to check is the water quality as 99.9% of the time this is what the problem is. Some fish are more sensitive to poor or bad water conditions than others.

The most important things to test are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels as this will tell you about the water quality. You can buy test kits from the shop or some shops will test the water for you.

What size is your tank, how long has it been set up and what sort of filtration does it have?

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The tank is 22litres. It is a AquaOne tank, filter (charcol and wool) and heater came with it. We have had it set up for about 9mths with no problems until now. The problem started when we moved house and the tank got left for a couple of weeks. We have tried to correct things by changing water 20% weekly.

They look happier but the Fighters fin is still clumped up.

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You should change the water 20% weekly anyway, not just to correct things, in fact 20% weekly is sometimes not enough.

In a small ammonia, nitrite and nitrate can get to very high levels that can be lethal to the fish.

I strongly recommend you to buy a test kit for at least ammonia and nitrite, so you know where you water is at, nitrate as well but if you don't want to spend too much you can leave nitrate out for later.

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Not sure about where this fish came from - been healthy over the last year though.

Test results were : PH 7, Ammonia 0, Nitrate 10, Nitrite 0

We have changed the Charcol about 6weekly. The filter was turned off for 3 days while we medicated the tank for fungal infection.

It is the fin by the gills.

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Ditto to what dimebag said re: turning off filter. You should never turn you're filter off, of course, unless cleaning :roll:

Yes, keep that in mind that anytime you add medication to your tank to remove the carbon.

Not familiar with bettas but hope he/she gets back to "normal" real soon.

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