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22L tank


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What would you all advice for putting in a little 22L tank. Bought one for my niece.

Would say 6 neons, a betta and a bristlenose be too much, or could we put in more?

Do you think a bristlenose would get too big, I know my bristlenose is getting pretty large and would look silly in her tank!!!

How many platys or guppies could fit in the tank?

Other ideas?

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I dont think you should do this, but in one of 'our' (mums tank aparently but i tell her what to do, what to get, whats wrong etc) 22l tanks there is 4 platys plus a few babys, 1 male fighter, 2 albino corys and a breeding pair of BN. I consider myself an experienced fishkeeper so can keep it a healthy tank with weekly water changes and filter cleans. it is an old tank, was my first 5 or so years ago, and has been running since so its well cycled etc. As i said, i woudlnt advise putting this much fish into such a small tank but it can work if you know what you are doing!

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Hi Fievels007,

I would have in a small tank like that, a couple of corydoras ( I like pandas the best) they are really active and do a great job of cleaning excess food that falls to the gravel. Also some ottos that stay small (like 4cm at the most) and will get rid of the algae. 3-4 platys would be fun too. They will have babies, and she will get a chance to see them develop & mature.

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should do as long as you don't mind if your male guppies don't have tails! Betas shouldn't really be kept with guppies because they will nip the guppies tails. Also... some bettas are better left by themselves. My Beta for example can't stand any other fish in its tank!

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interesting, john at organism in chch has bettas in the guppy tank, all seemed peaceful... do you think if a betta was raised from a young age in a tank with the others it would have greater tendancies to be peaceful?

It's fine because the bettas there aren't really adults yet, they are more like teenagers. When they get older, they get more aggressive.

But of course, there are special cases. I recall reading somewhere in this forum that a fishkeeper kept over 30 bettas in a tank together, and had little fights because they grew up together. Something along those lines anyways.

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Are you putting any plants in it? That will help with the bio load.

I have an AR126, and I would recommend (maybe not all together, but a combination)

A couple of Ottos

Four or Five Ember Tetras

Four or Five Pygmy Corydoras or Dwarf Corydoras

A Sparkling Gourami

or a Dwarf Puffer (if you could find one)

You will need tiny fish that stay tiny

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I would put in a pair of Convicts.

That way you get to see the cyle of life really quickly :wink:

I have one at work and people like to see the fry in it. and they are always asking..."won't the parents eat the small fish?"

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