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Swordtail guppies??

Insect Direct

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I have a really nice male with (small) double swordtail which I got for his red cardial fin. - If I can't buy a solid red line I will build one. :wink:

Also one of my halfblack males is showing a bottom sword which looks interesting consdering the male I started the line with had a top sword but have not seen the trait in any offspring. Nice tail colours too.

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i have one really odd one.

if you hold your hand out on its side, thumb up, the take away your middle and little fingers, thats wht it looks like.

its not ripped or wasting away. he has a proper, though short, clear tail with the three "swords" coming from it that are almost snakeskin. hard to get a pic, but will see what i can do

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i have one really odd one.

if you hold your hand out on its side, thumb up, the take away your middle and little fingers, thats wht it looks like.

its not ripped or wasting away. he has a proper, though short, clear tail with the three "swords" coming from it that are almost snakeskin. hard to get a pic, but will see what i can do

Could be interested in some of the offspring of that one :wink:

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