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Poor little red platty


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I have a nice deep red female platty that seems to have problems with some of the males in my tank. My plattys consist of 1 cream coloured male, 2 orange females, the red one and 4 baby platty and the male is quite nasty in the way that he chases the red one round. He's as good as gold with the others, just not her. :cry: The other male that picks on her is my white siamese fighter.

They are in a tank 1200x600x600 with several other male and female fish but none of them attack her like these 2.

Any ideas why they may be doing this?

Am setting up a smaller tank to put her and a few others in but am waiting for it to cycle.

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How are you cycling the new tank?

It should be fine to start the cycle by putting a platy in there?

Fish seem to develop their own pecking order, and often someone is on the bottom of the list, sometimes more fish actually improves things by spreading the aggresion (no one fish gets chased all the time). Other times you just need to seperate them and re-arrange the fish in your tanks.



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Hi Ian, thanks for your reply. Have now put platy, swordtail male and female and 2 clown loaches in smaller tank.

Am still learning about tropical fish and love reading all the topics posted on AFNZ, but have to disagree with you about no one fish getting picked on all the time. This little red female platy was so harrassed by the two males she would only come out of hiding when I would feed the others or dart out of one hiding place to get to another. The cream platy male had even damaged her fins slightly.

Again thanks for your reply.

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Yeah.. by 'more fish spreading aggression' I mean when you have a big group. And like Caryl suggests it's also better to keep more females than males especially with live bearers. If you had your 2 males with 4 or more females there would still be alot of chasing going on, but not concentrated on one unfortunate fish.

Anyway, seperating them was the best option :)



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