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HELP! Male Betta GONE CRAZY???


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I have a Male Red (Betta) Siamese fighting fish boarding with me, he was in a net breeder in my big tank for about a month, but I think my clown loaches were nipping at his fins (as they splits on the bottom fin) so I bought a little 30L tank for him.

He shares it, with 3 young bristlenoses.

But sinced being moved (last friday I think??) he's gone crazy, he lays under the little bits of driftwood I have in there (maybe trying to become a bristlenose to lol) theres only about 1cm if that from the gravel to the driftwood. I have no idea why he is doing this? Every-time I see him it gives me such a fright as I think hes dead, I pop a net in to try get him out and he swims back up but a few minutes later he's back down laying under driftwood, ive never seen this behaviour from a Betta before??

Can any-body help???

In the tank theres,

1 internal pump

1 heater @ 25'c

1 airstone

gravel, 2 small bits of driftwood, little bit of java fern.

and 3 young bristlenoses.

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my fighter does the same, lies behind rocks and sits in amongst the plants that i have floating on the top, many times he has looked dead to me.

As discusguru said about the fast moving water, its only logical that the fighters would get tired swimming in the current all the time

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