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Who's had luck with breeding nets?


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I personally don't like the hang-on-the-side net breeders for raising fry at least because i found the fry would get squished between the hard plastic frame and the net.

I prefer the floating plastic traps like this


But i modify them by cutting away the whole floor and glueing the little grill plate onto the base. It means the adult fish has an extra inch of water space to swim and i never used the dividing plate either.

I also filedthe slots so they were wider on the traps too as i found that some of my swordtail fry were too big and fat to fall through even when newborn.

I have got 6 of these traps now. 2 original, 2 modified with original slots and 2 with widened slots. And have no complaints with them except when my girls jump out. :evil:

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the kind she now looks like just check her passport :):P

the gold paper covered ones in the little baskets , can't remember the name sorry

Hmm... does this mean I will have to buy lots of chocolate until I get the right ones?? Sounds good to me!

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