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Hrm ... male BN gone AWOL?


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It's been 2 weeks now that I've added a new male BN to my tank after my main male died. However, I've never seen him at all during the past 2 weeks! Its like he just disappeared.

The tank isn't heavily planted, it just has a piece of driftwood in it. I'm getting worried, I've lost 3 males in this tank so far, but the 2 females in it are getting along just fine. Unless its the females that are driving the males to suicide .. :-?

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There's a bamboo pipe in there but no one uses it, not even the females.

I've tried dimming the lights and putting out some food but only the females respond.

It's weird really. Any other suggestions before I pull out the driftwood to search for him? Out of the 3 males in the tank, I've only recovered 1 body ... hmm.

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Just checking that you have tight fitting lids on your tank. I lost several bn before I discovered that when they went zipping up the sides of the tank cleaning they went straight over the top. Found them all krispy at the back of the tank.

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I have 2 small bn, one is only 3cm long if that and they are the most sociable bottom fish. When I had just the one I never saw it but got him a mate and voila there they are...

Cant say the same for my new goldspot pleco... it wont come out from under its favorite bit of driftwood and I swear it knows when I am watching the tank and refuses to move at all till I have gone.

Never work with small animals or children...lol

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my GFs sister had a BN that i put into her tank for her, and that used to go awol for ages at a time, then one day we changed the water and it was completely gone, no body, nothing to say that it used to be there at all, no carpet jerky around the tank either, and it had a tight fitting lid....

go figure, cos i begin to wonder if the aliens abducted him... along wiv the sis and removing both thier brains and swapping them... :lol: :lol:

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