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Cycling with fish


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Goldfish... 25l tank... Ummm about 1 fish, and that will probably outgrow the tank eventually.

Is the tank heated? If it is there are heaps of small tropicals that will be fine in that size tank.

If it's coldwater you could go with White Cloud Minnows, pretty little fish that will live and breed quite happily in that size tank with no heater.

I'm not sure why you are having problems getting the tank cycled. Although I understand the theory of cycling the tank/filter I generally just go by the seat of my pants. Set up tank.. add a couple of fish.. wait a few weeks.. add some more fish...

I just refilled my little 18l tank as a spare holding tank, simple undergravel filter. Fill tank, turn on heater and air, next day put in some stray male guppies. Wait 2 weeks, guppies still look happy, add a couple more. Now has 6 guppies and 3 baby plecos, all happy. I actually have no idea what the exact water parameters are, I dont bother testing it. I just feed lightly and do a part water change each week.

Going slow and keeping up the regular water changes seems to work for me anyway 8)



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I have 2 plants in my tank at the moment. Should I get more? The second filter Im using to help establish my other filter is quite large so it takes up a bit of room. How many white cloud should I start off with? I still have high ammonia readings in my tank, so Im going to do another water change today before I add any fish.

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Umm.. no fish, a cycled filter, and the ammonia is going up? :o

What else is in the tank? The ammonia has to be coming from somewhere. Whats the gravel / substrate like? Is there something in it thats breaking down and releasing ammonia.

I think it might be time to strip the tank and wash everything, apart from the good filter. Start again with everything fresh and clean. If you aren't sure about your gravel, just get a bag of new stuff, you wont need much for a small tank.

Plants are good, but optional in a tank. While they look good and do help with the water quality, it's completely OK to keep a tank without them, or use plastic ones if you like the look.

You should be able to set up the tank, fill with clean tap water, turn on the filter, add 3 or 4 WCMM and just give them a pinch of food every day. Partial water change each week. It SHOULD be that simple.



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Because we dont know exactly what the problem is I would wash everything out. Put the gravel in a bucket and swirl it around under the tap untill it run clear. The gravel is basically the media of the filter. The plastic pieces are just the pipes to collect the water and return it to the tank after it's passed through the gravel.

Hose out the tank and filter etc. As the problem seems to be ammonia buildup, not some disease, I dont think it needs to be sterilised or anything, just clean.

Fill up with water and leave a couple of days. There should still be no ammonia (no fish). If thats all clear then add a few fish and just keep an eye on them.



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I gave the gravel a bit of a stir and the water turned cloudy, with floaty bits in it.. eww! I lifted up the filter plate and there was slime and decomposing bits of food and crud everywhere. So that was probably my problem. Even the filter thing was clogged with crap!

Should I give the established filter a quick rinse just to get rid of any loose stuff that might be floating in it?

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and it's made my water all cloudy! Is that a problem?

Nope.. let it run overnight and things will settle out. It looks like a lot of 'gunk', but it's probably about 2 drops floating in the water. It will get sucked back into the filter or the gravel where it belongs.


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It's been almost a week since I thoroughly cleaned out my fish tank. The ammonia on Monday was at 0. I have tested today and it is at 0.25. Could this be due to the established filter in my tank? Alright to add fish now? Do I water change again before I add fish? I am going to add about 3 white cloud.

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