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My Yoyo Loach :)


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I currently have one adult Yoyo loach in my community tank (hes my favourite too :) ) As well as a dwarf gourami, bala shark, male fighter, few neons, couple of sword tails and a pleco. I am torn between two views on whether to buy another Yoyo loach as company for my one.

If i do decide to get another Loach; Should it be another Yoyo or a clown/zebra etc?

I want him to have a little mate, he has a huge cave where he spends most of his time and i reckon theres room for another room mate in there!

Any help would be muchly appreciated.

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does the same thing! lol he also does this funny dance thing where he tries to stir up the gravel to find food, hes by far the most entertaining fish to watch! I love how the loaches have the 'cheeky' personality compared to the swim round and round in circles personalities of some fish :P So you think i should get another Yoyo to be his friend?

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Yep agree with what the others said, get more Yoyo's. Loaches are soo cool. I have 2 Zebras in one of my tanks, they hang out with each other all the time, its not often you see them apart and if they are apart its not for long. I've read that its best to a group of at least 3 loaches. My 2 seem to be doing ok but I plan on getting more ones all my tetras have died off.. which shouldn't be long now based on the fact that I've lost like... 6-7 in July alone!

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