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Setting the mood for breeding...


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I really want to have some fry to watch! So far only the Rams have laid eggs and that was only once and they ate them! For the fish I have listed below, in a community tank what should i do to help them all along? Mood lighting? Candles? Oysters and champagne?!

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best not to breed them in a community tank it stress's the parents to much

if you set-up a spear tank for the rams there would be less chance of them eating the eggs. But if you have a male and female bristlenose atleast 80mm long and a cave with 1 hole just a bit bigger than the bristlenose so it can just fit through they will be the easiest to breed

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he he ok, will try all of the above... is any of this considered animal cruelty...? particularly the barry white?!!!

are going to buy a little breeding tank today, I gather a reasonable small tank is all I'll need? What else, a sponge filter? or airstone? what exactly is an airstone and do i need both the filter and the airstone or do they both do the same thing?

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Dont go too small on the tank, you wont save much money and wont have much space to grow the fry when they hatch. You could have 50 small fish to look after soon. The air pump, sponge filter, heater, light etc are going to cost the same wether the tank is 25 or 50 litres. A simple glass tank in the smaller sizes is pretty cheap.

A sponge filter is a good option. It's basically a lump of sponge with an airstone in the middle. The bubbles rising from it draw the water through the sponge to provide the filtering. The bubbles provide water movement and aeration to the tank in general. Not as efficient as a power filter, but cheap and effective. It's good enough for a small tank with a couple of fish and doesn't create a strong current that sucks up the new hatched fry. :o

An airstone is just a diffuser that goes on the end of an airhose to make small bubbles. Looks pretty, gives a bit of current and aeration, but doesn't help with the filtering. It doesn't hurt the tank to have some in there, but it's 90% cosmetic, the bubbles look cool :wink:



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'Dont go too small on the tank, you wont save much money '

Yeah, hadn't thought too much about the money side of things! Duh! Went today to buy a small tank and ended up just getting a breeding net after realising how much it was going to coast me to get a tank/fliter/heater...

Got the fry food though for the future!

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I'm hoping that with the ph in my tank dropping that the conditions tonight will be just perfect for my rams... they'd better get their business socks on! My breeding net is waiting to be used!

Does anyone know if it would work to put neons into the breeding net to do their business and then leave the lights off in the tank for the days needed to hatch the fry, or would that not be dark enough?

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Generally you put neons into a tank with a grate under them so their egg's can fall to safety, I dont know how easy this would be to do in a breeding net, and the fish may get to stressed to breed in a net anyway..

I think when you breed them (I haven't done it myself) that the tank has to be completely black ie all the sides blacked out and covered not just lights off..

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Yep that's right Ryan and of cause you MUST use water with almost 0 general hardness like rain water, if it is socked in peat for a while it helps but I have spawned them with out peaty water.

A breeding trap is almost a must too as Neons love to eat their eggs.

However they can be spawned in a very small tank 200 - 300mm sq is all a pair need.

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I've got a 600x300x400 for sale if you’re keen ($30.00 with lid). Got some air pumps. Will show u how to make your own sponge filter as well. Can swap some stories on Blue rams. I've had them lay but they either get eaten or I take them out of the tank and they get fungus. I have some Apisto's breeding that you might be keen on as well, they're like rams but not as colorful but good to start breeding with. PM if you’re keen.

PS I have 4 tanks set up like this for breeding so will give you idea about using peat and stuff. I'll give you starter culture of White Worms as long as when you breed those top grade Rams I can have first option on buying some.

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