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Jacob Male


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I will show some more pics of him, he doesn't in that flick, but in other pics I previously took you will see his colouring looks alot different to the pic on this thread, I just have to upload them from other camera disc.

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It does look like something similar in the pic, but in other pics it looks completely different, and he has alot of dark bluey/purple shading through the sides of his body.. and the finnage is looks different. Looks totally different to the Baenschi male I have. What has your "Jacob" male turned out like, has he started maturing in colour?

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Yeah pic would be good.. yours is from the same import lot as mine... I got the Baenschi that came in and "Jacobs"... My Baenschi male looks exactly like callums in his thread on the cichlid section, totally different to what came in as "Jacobs" and the supposed Jacob is very rich almost mustard orange colour with purple sides... if they aren't a species of Jacob.. (amongst many) I wonder what was brought in? I will try and get some really detailed shots of him.

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Anyone else out there buy any imports that came in as Jacobs and have pics?? The male I have is nothing like anything else we have had..

Please peoples if you got some and your males are colouring, some pics would be awesome.

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Cool Dan.. 8) and tell me about it with the jumpy! :lol: I went down the back to take more pics and the darn male has decided to act the pratt.. chasing mbuna around laying down the law, so it's a case of ants in his darn pants.. and as soon as he spots the camera he's off. After tea we are going to fish him out and take some shots in a small container.

Also, my females that came with him, have a real mustard/orange/yellow anal fin like him (definately females as they have bred) when he first arrived he wasn't maturing in colour at all. I do note after having a really good look at him that his anal fin is very long, more so whispy than other peacocks.. breaking into the tail area when he swims along.

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Here are some more pics of him, he's one of the worst critters to photograph, tried to take a pic of him in container but argggggh what a mission, he moulded himself into the corner.. You will see hes in with his girls in holding tank.




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Yep, They were from Jansens Mt. Eden. Kyle seemed to think they were Otto Pt? Male has really long fins and a swallow shaped tail.

We have kept them away from any bigger fish, scared his fins get ripped.

The bigger female looks like she will spawn any day, had to take the smaller one out, was getting beaten up by the bigger female. We may need to get some more girls to spread the aggression??

Callum :bounce:

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Yeah I was looking at shapes of different Jacobs on the cichlid forum and some have more pointed faces and others are very rounded compared to others... so :-? And I noted that even certain variants have different shades of colours, even tho they are the same species... :roll:

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Well it is a bit of a worry if the fish look different and came under the same shipment.... mine looked very much like yours callum when he arrived, now hes alot bigger and filled out and his colour has taken change.... he had alot more white edging on his anal fin, tail etc, now the colour seems to have filled out somewhat... would be good to see some really good pics. The females that came as jacobs look totally different Dan to the Baenschi females that came.

The Baenschi that were brought in are bang on... the male I have is exactly like callums..

It is good to cross reference fish that come in on consignment I reckon

Oh and yeah more females the merrier, it will spread the aggression out in the tank 8)

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I will try and get pics of them Frenchy :D Oh there is another male in the tank also, but he won't dare colour or he will get a fair cracking :lol: Will have to take pics one by one I think... taking pictures of this lot is enough to make you want to tear your hair out :lol:

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Will have to take pics one by one I think... taking pictures of this lot is enough to make you want to tear your hair out :lol:

If I lived by you I could of taken the photos. I have no hair to pull out :lol:

I am concerned about the spots on the females bodies. They look like Utaka spots. Peacocks shouldn't have any.

Frenchy :D

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