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Aiming for Discus.....


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i'm trying to get a long term plan together for my new tank and am wanting to eventually have a few discus. Just wanting to know what fish are compatable so i can start stocking up with fish that are going to be suitable long term?

Also what type of planting??

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Discus usually perfer densely planted aquarium, compatible with most community fishes, ie. tetras. Avoid catfish though they might stick themselves to the flat body of the discus and damaging its skin.

Make sure your water is in absolutely premium quality before you introduce any discus, they are not hardy fish at all and don't tolerate even the slightest flaw in water conditions.

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Cardinals, Glowlight tetras, Black neons...they're all good and can tolerate the higher temps like discus. Cardinals are usually the best due to their striking colours and they move slowly like discus and eat food in the mid-region of the tank. I've got a golden nugget in with my show discus tank and he looks amazing against the discus colours. As I turn around I see him out now hehe.

Include some driftwood if you can. This is more common in their natural habitat, they like to hang out in the roots of fallen trees. There is the odd plant. The water is a cross between blackwater and clearwater. The key is to keep the water conditions steady.

Hope this helps

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catfish are fine with discus. you may get a rouge one now and again that likes to latch on to the discus, but generally they are great. i have whiptails, bristlenose, banjos, corys, iquito tiger plecs, and hoplos in with my discus and theyre all good. used to have a royal whiptail that liked the taste of discus, but i think they got their own back as he mysteriously died one night...

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Discus are much hardier than most people think. In fact they're probably just as hardy as any other fish. If not, then I wouldn't have been able to keep them for as long as I have... They do better in very good clean water conditions however, weekly large waterchanges will make them thrive and grow to their full potential.

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