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Filter restart help please!


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Hey there,

I have a fluval 303 external filter and whenever i stop it to clean the internals i always have a big battle to get it going again. Can anyone please impart some very useful knowledge on this subject? would be much appreciated!

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when you clean the filter, make sure you fill it with water right up to your shutoff valves.

Give it a shake first then fill

Turn on the intake side first then the outlet.


I have one as well. but I also have one of the Fluval sucker balls too :lol:

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i have a 203 and a 403. i found the easiest way for me is to fill the canister, put the lid on. put in position near tank. get funnel, put in intake hose. put outlet hose in tank, but not in water. pour water into intake hose till full. put intake hose into water. put thumb over outlet hose and lower to filter level. CAREFULLY lift thumb, watching till water is near end of hose. cover. put hose in water, release thumb.

turn on filter.

so much easier than siphoning :D

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Is the impeller not starting or is it not primed?

I always find it works best if I don't fill it with water beforehand. Just connect the hoses, let it fill up by siphoning from the tank and once it stops plug the power in. 80% of the time it goes right from then. Rest of the time I pop the outlet hose off at the tank and siphon into a bucket through the cannister until it starts pumping.

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Yea i just let it siphon from the tank and when it is full flick it on. Somedays it will start straight away and other times it will take upto 30 mins to start. I don't think it has any provisions for priming on it?

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