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Apple snails with broken shells


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Hi all. :( Yes i brought some apple snails off TM. There were supposed to be 10 of them at 2-3cm. When the bag turned up, flat - wet and smelly i was at a loss. They had been put into a plastic bag with some water then knotted at the top. Thats it. Well, all but 3 were in tiny bits. So...... 1 has come out of its shell partly then not moved in 12hrs, 1 has most of its shell broken away but is moving a bit and the other has righted itself but have not seen any more movement and it's shell is white. :cry: Do I kindly freeze them? Keep an eye on them and 'hope' they get better? Im not concerned about the money but people shouldnt be sending things if they cant package them properly :x Im guessing there's no quick fix for broken shells. Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated.

Oh, the person i brought them off has not returned any emails so hopefully the next ones they send will be better off.

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Auction number?

That should NOT be be acceptable, I have sent snails twice and always package them in an ice cream or similar container with plastic bags inside and water in it, make sure the water is in constant contact with the snails so they don't dry out.

Did he say he was going to send out another package? If simply not replying to emails then a negative feedback will be appropriate.

Keep the injured snails in a seperate container rather than in your main fishtank, put the healthy ones in though.

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Auction number was 104931812. I paid $5.50 for a "Courier" but they turned up via a postie on a pushy.

I understand that things do go wrong, I have sent fish to the south island quite a few times and once they got lost at the depot (not using that courier anymore) and turned up much too late, expired. The person who brought them wanted a full refund even tho the add stated "at buyers risk". I did refund fully but refused to send more to them at my expense.

I have the 3 snails in an icecream container. I put flake in last night and thats when i saw some movement, but none this morning.

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Sorry to hear that :( Surely they should get back to you, pretty rude they didn't email you back.

If they had of filled the bag with enough air to keep the bag from going flat and then rubber banded correctly then the apple snails would have arrived fine and dandy :-?

The suppliers send their snails wrapt in wet newsprint and sent in bags, and they arrive safe sound everytime.

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*******UPDATE******* Have been contacted by email and told more on the way in container. No Sorry for the last lot or anything. 2 of the snails have not moved since i posted yesterday but the 1 snail with at least 40% of its back exposed has moved and eaten the tiny amount of lettuce i put in yesterday. If it survives I'm not too sure where to put it? The only tank i have thats apple snail proof is with a few small goldies but they might annoy it. I could put it in with the WCMM but its heavily stocked with java moss. hmmmmmmmm will give it another couple of days.

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