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Best Algae Eater?


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From everyones experiences, What have you all found to be the most efficient Algae Eaters?

Spread out through my tanks I have chinese algae eater, plecos, Bristlenoses and snails. But none seem to do as good as a job as my little blue magnet

Any help appreciated

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Was gonna post with exactly the same question but I'll not bother now. I have a nicely plant tank (now that pleco is gone). I wondered about a Pit Bull Pleco - can we get those here? How big do Chinese Algae Eaters and Otos grow? I have 400 ltre tank - how many would I need?

SAE = Siamese Algae Eater? Wots the difference between Chinese and Siamese?

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Bristlenose are definately the best for general maintenance in community tanks.

For beard algae etc some young Saimese Algae Eaters or Oto's will do the best. Although I'm hearing some people raving about the American Flag Fish, not a bad looking fish either, so would be ideal for bba control if it does what they say it does.

NB: There are three types of fish commonly sold as 'Siamese Flying Fox', most are genuine SAEs but make sure not to get an actual Flying Fox or false Siamesis.

For large cichlid tanks, I've found Redspot Plecs to be the best. I found common plecs to be a little on the lazy side when it came to algae on the glass.

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Lady -Lene, forget the Chinese alge eater.

They becme complte A/H in the tank then as they get older forget even what you bought them for.

So the best place for them is in the LFS tanks.

It is torpedo shaped brown with dark blotchings on it, and of course the sucker mouth.

The SAE has a black line running the full length of its body thru to the end of the caudal fin (tail).

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How big do Otos grow? I have 400 ltre tank - how many would I need?

Otos stay pretty small, under 2" I think. Putting 6 or so in a big tank like that would be no problem. When they are in a group like that they tend to be active and play around together, very cute little fish, and they might even eat a bit of algae in their spare time :D



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I haven't had to manually remove any algae since I bought $20 worth of plants for the tank. It's great!

I had rampant alge in my tank until a few days agi, bought a massive bunch of plants, and dosed with Flourish Excel, alge is virtually gone already.

More plants = good :P

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I had rampant alge in my tank until a few days agi, bought a massive bunch of plants, and dosed with Flourish Excel, alge is virtually gone already.

More plants = good :P

I was having to remove algae daily (new to fishkeeping, so am obsessed with having tidy tank)... I put the plants in & haven't seen algae since! It's been months now.

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I have plecos in all my tanks, no plants but very little algae.

Dont overfeed them, if they are a little hungry they will be more inclined to hunt for algae.

Of course make sure you get one thats sized right for your tank, a sailfin that can grow to 18" may not be the best long term choice for a 2ft tank :o

The Otos or bristlenoses are fine for a smaller tank though :)



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I like bristlenose, otos and siamese algae eaters.

I also have an algae eater which I think is a chinese algae eater, it is not the golden variety but it is motled grey. It doesn't eat algae and is very territorial and will kill any fish with rounded bodies.( Well I suspect it is him) Had to "put down" a harlequin rasbora because it had half of its tail ripped off and the cae is my main suspect.

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My chinese Algae eater isnt territorial. He just sits under a piece of driftwood 24/7 and doesnt move. I'm pretty sure its alive :roll:

It used to get a bit fiesty at night so he is in a tank with lights on 24/7 as punishment.

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It used to get a bit fiesty at night so he is in a tank with lights on 24/7 as punishment.

Leaving your lights on can cause serious problems with fish, would not recommend doing this at all. They need their rest period or they are likely to suffer from disease etc

Tested this myself by accident once, would never do it again.

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