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Baby Snails


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OK so a little while ago I posted a queestion about eggs on the leaves of my plants and you guys confirmed that they were snail eggs but then they disapered :-? and I gathered a fish had eaten them or something as I saw no signs of babies any where even after 5 minutes of staring into the tank looking for them! :o But the thing is that now I have 2 (from what I can see) small little baby snails wandering around the tank. :) So my questions are 1) is there likely to be more of them around or just the 2 babies? 2) Should I just leave them in there or move them to a different tank then decide what to do with them? :)

Also any other advice concerning them would be great! :D

:bow: Thanks in advance Hayley :bounce:

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& the most effective way to make em disapear is clown loaches. I had no idea i even had snails until i was cleaning out my canister filter last month. there would have been around 100 adolecent snails in the bottom of the canister. I have never seen snails in this tank & it has been full for a year now. i tipped em into the tank & haven't seen em since they headed for the middle of the tank.

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If you are wanting to get rid of them then most loaches will scoff snails, pakis, angelicus, clowns, even dwarf chains will scoff what they can.. yet if you don't want to knock them off and save them then get them out now before there are as the guys said 102-1002 as the guys said :lol:

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