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Plants that can attach to Driftwood?


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I want to make my tanks look more colourfull and in some of my tanks, planting plants into substrate isnt an option.

So i wanted to know what sorts of plants can grow on other surfaces such as driftwood.

For example Java moss.

What else? Thanks heaps

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Java Fern is really good if you can get it growing nicely.

When healthy it'll fire bright green leaves all the time, when sad it looks like its always rotting away. Just tie the ryzhome to a bit of wood, and over time it'll grab on. Normally what I do is put the fern down, then put the wood on top, just between the leaves, so the fern grows around the wood. Works well.

Other options also include keeping plants in pots, or stem plants which can be weighted down with lead or just have a piece of wood sit on them.

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