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The hunt for a Diagnosis Now with Photos


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Hmm thought i had perhaps finally seen the end of the fish death.... it had been a week with no signs of illness or death, but alas last night one of my two remaining honey gouramis started clamping his fins and displaying small jerky movements. This morning woke up to find him dead. Again all other fish appear fine, so i;m hoping perahps he transmitted septicemia prior to dosing with furan and this is the final fish death but only time will tell..

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi there,

How old is the system?

how many treatments have gone into main tank?

why i ask is that in the photo of the mollie which you thought had velvet(previous post) your water was very cloudy,which is not a good sign. cloudy water is a good sign of toxic water ie ammonia, which will make fish itch.clamp fins etc.the damage done to the fish after a ammonia spike can still keep killing them for months.

your problem might not have even been a desease or parasite, all the treating of the tank will kill the good bacteria in your filter making for a very unstable tank. this is just another senerio to look at if there is no visible signs of desease or parasite.

you could just take out all fish and quareentine them and let the main tank settle for a few weeks( clean out filter).

this is just my thoughts, i hope this is of some help.


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Hi there

I thought i should probably post an update regarding the tank, no further signs of illness and no deaths since the gourami died so i think the furan may have taken care of the illness which i think was hemorrhagic septicemia. To answer your questions above shell, the tank is around 6 months old, and has received prazi and furan treatments. The water was cloudy due to the too much fine plant material which the internal filter system didn't seem to be able to handle, i added an additional canister filter and now the water is crystal clear. Both prazi and furan are supposedly harmless to your biological filter so bacteria should be ok in the filter. I haven't had any problems fingers crossed for the last couple of weeks so fingers crossed the problem is sorted, if i have any further problems i'll post here

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Hey there. Can someone recap on the prazi treatment?

It says treat for 3 days and repeat over a period of 3 weeks. Does that mean every 3 days for 3 weeks total?

Would fluketabs be used in a similar fashion? I believe I have flukes in my tank as well. Is prazi better/gentler? (ie: if you had the choice what would you use?) I'd probably have to use prazi in the form of Drontal tabs.

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Hey jn,

yeah its a bit of a tricky one different ppl have different opinions on the dose rate. The actual instructions on the back of my prazi pro bottle are to do a single treatment at 1tsp per 20 Gallons (2.5mg/L) and then retreat in 3 - 5 days. Other ppl recommend more frequent treatments. I treated as above for around 2 weeks. Prazi-pro is quite safe, not sure on the drontal i have read of ppl killing their fish with it but others have used it quite safely ( i think alanmin04 has used it with no problems)

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I don't follow the instructions on the bottle. Only because I follow the instructions of a doctor who specialises in fish care.

What I meant earlier was,

250mg/100lt each day for 3 days. The repeat for 3 weeks. Therefore for example mon, tues, wed for 3 weeks in a row.

The problem is the life cycle can vary so much in a fish tank, temp etc. This way you make sure you kill the fluke off properly.

Frenchy :D

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Thanks muchly for the clarification! :D

So fish are ok with 750 mg/100L? (by day #3?)

I've read that prazi is not one of those meds that really loses its effectiveness once its in a tank?

Who's your doctor ref? Would love to have a look at the website (I'm very inquisitive by nature and love to read all the scientific details!!) Is that fishdoc.co.uk?

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No worries mate :P

I did a little search on his name,

Dr. Gerald Bassleer (°1954) received his Masters in Biology at the University of Antwerp in 1977.

He became a Doctor in Fish Pathology & Fish Health Management after studies at the following institutions:

- the faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Maracay (Venezuela)

- the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia (USA)

- the Unit of Aquatic Pathobiology at the University of Stirling (Scotland)

- the Unit Biology of Fish at the University of Hohenheim (Germany)

Dr. Gerald Bassleer has 28 years of experience at 5 different wholesalers in 4 different countries: Belgium, USA, The Netherlands and Germany.

He has an international reputation through his management skills at Aquaria Antwerp in Belgium (1977 - 1981), Ruinemans Aquarium in the Netherlands (1985 - 1991); O'Hare Tropical/Chicago (1981-1985) and Aquarium Glaser in Germany (1992-1995)

He is the author of 2 well known books on fish diseases.

He writes for several magazines and he's an advisor & member of OFI (Ornamental Fish International Organization for the aquatic trade).

Since May 2006 Gerald Bassleer is new elected President of OFI.

From here, http://www.bassleer.com/text.htm

Frenchy :D

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