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Food for a Clown Knife


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My trick for feeding the fussy fish in our collection is to stick a bit of food on the end of a piece of wire and dangle and bob it in front of their face. Means i don't have to get my hands wet :roll: and i can direct where the food is going, remove it easily if they don't want it and the fish like the action of it wiggling. i used frozen cooked shrimp mostly for putting on the end of the wire but i am increasingly intending to used bits of beef mince (and i might go out right after this post and get me some worms!)

The above method is essential for my puffs and it seems the axolotls. My black ghost knife is a black hole and eats everything. :evil:

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He's still turning down all non-live food. And he is also very inactive and just hides in his cave, even at lights out, for the first few hours anyway.

For a few hours each day im going to remove his cave with the lights on and place his food in about the same place. I tried this for the first time today, and wen i returned to the tank, most of the worms/shrimp have gone - hopefully into his mouth and not the filter.

I Rung the shop i got him from - they said they feed flakes every second day and then once a week they feed bloodworms.

Are tadpoles a bad source of food for him every now and then?

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as i'm sure you're aware you can't feed a clown knife on flake, so ignore the shop (wasn't Animates was it?). Tadpoles and fish are fine, but it gets tricky if he gets accustomed to only eating live food, so try to get him onto dead as soon as possible. But for now, getting him to eat is the main thing.

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when i had my knife i feed he tetras and home made food that i feed all my fish with beef heart/peas/bananas/garlic for to keep the bugs away.mix all in the blender to a puree.use sandwich bag flatted and freeze.when i feed my fish ever sec day.{a hungry fish a happy fish}even had a problem with eat or disease. :bounce:

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