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availability of chocolate cichlids


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I've spawned them a couple of times and sent some young to Wellington and Auckland a while back. I have lent my breeding pair out to a friend in Gisborne. They aren't as easy to breed as alot of other cichlids, have known a couple of people to have male/female pairs and they have never spawned. They are a beautiful fish... however often aggressive towards one another and the male can kill the female if you don't keep a close eye during spawning process. I read an article sometime back about them, and it said that they were no longer available to be exported due to the fact that the numbers were very low in the wild, so guess they are banned from catching them. I want to breed them again sometime in the near future.

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I have them

Got 2 pairs I think

Unfortunately the big male I recently purchased did not take the travel too well and sulked.. and Died yesterday :(

However the female is acclimatised and flirting with the other boys. :D

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Sorry to hear he didn't take the trip too well Wok :( They can certainly pull the old Oscar trick at times and sulk.

So the young ones you got off me ages ago... did definately end up with a pair? Glad to hear the female settled in well, now all ya need to do is get them to do their thing ;):D

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the 4 I got from you are same size as the female I just got.

I am pretty sure there is a pair in there but ain't showing it at the moment.

Pretty sure the new female has shacked up with one of the existing boys

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They had/have $160 on it at HFF. I suppose they're not very common, but a fish of that size has limited appeal. I've been thinking about making a cheeky offer ;)

Afrikan; how aggressive are they at that size? I suppose a pair would be quite different to a single male.

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Chocolate Cichlids in general are very peaceful, they actually do very well in a nicely planted tank with larger tetras ie Columbian Tetras etc... When a pair does spawn, they aren't overly aggressive towards other fish yet can be VERY aggressive towards one another... when they are not in spawning mode tho they are very good with one another generally speaking. The male is normally the one to pack the punches out of the pair, so it is normally the female that ends up tattered. However, she can hold her own also and give as good as she gets. They certainly are harder to breed than alot of cichlids... and I have found that the drop off rate of fry is normally more so than other cichlids. A single Choc on his own would be fine and dandy.. it's aggression towards one another than can be the problem.

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