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Building a concrete pond


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Ok, since I've finally got the **** pallets that were blocking my access to the bricks I wanted to make the pond out of(70 of them! Took me 4 months to chop them up!) anyway I will have more time off now, time to start doing some research...

Anyone have any advice, instructions, links, etc for how to build a concrete pond? I'm thinking it'll be a fairly small one. L shaped maybe 2 meters on a side, half a meter deep, figure about 1500 liters.

I was thinking I'll build a compacted sand base then surround out of red bricks and then concrete inside it. What would be good to reinforce the concrete with? Something like chicken wire seemed like it should work?

Then I'll probably paint it with some kind of pond paint for extra sealing.

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I think if I was doing a pond , I'd be letting it leach for a while and giving it an acid wash before I considered sealing it. This gets rid of the lime that will kill the fish otherwise.

When building cowsheds we used a product called isinglas, used in the brewing of beer for clearing the fines, and my Mother used it for preserving eggs.

What happens on concrete is that it goes on like water, and when it is dry, the concrete is covered with what is easiest to discribe as, glass.

This can be done several times with it drying out between coats.

If the milk can't eat it then it MUST be good.

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Anywhere that might be easy to get the additives you mentioned? I was thinking that it I wouldn't need any special concrete if I painted the concrete with something to waterproof it?

Have a read of Carols pond build tread, she had loads of problems doing this.

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No I didn't. The problems arose when the builders tried to concrete around a post and found they couldn't seal it fully. Painting the pond with sealant worked excellently. Can't remember what the stuff was called but it had a rubbery feel to it when freshly painted on then it set.

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