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Hi everyone I have now had my tank going for nearly 3 months and Around 2 1/2 months ago I noticed 2 small snails and since then they have grown awazingly fast probably quadrupling in size :D and now this afternoon when I looked at one of my plants I noticed at first what I thought to be bubbles but on closer inspection I realised they dont actually look like bubbles! :-? They are like in little piles and as far as I know there are 3 piles on 3 different leaves so now my question is are they eggs and are they from my snails? I they are do I just leave them? I will try to get a decent picture of the eggs(?) and snails and try to add a link to get to them! :-?

Thanks Hayley :bounce:

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Thanks guys I will have to decide whether I want them or not so how long does it take for them to hatch?

I dont know what type of snails I have as I just noticed them one day and there are only 2 and I cant get any decent pictures of them with my camera it's terrible! :(

When they hatch if I odnt remove the eggs will my fish eat them? And do you think I could just take them out when they are bigger? But then I Suppose I have to rehome them! :o

Anyway the have rounded spirally shells and they are quite small at probably 1 cm max.

Thanks Hayley :bounce:

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OK so we have decided that we dont really want hundreds of snails :o at the moment so we want to take them out but how do I do that do I just take out the leaf they are on or what? And then what do I do with them?

Oh and instead of starting a new topic I thought I would ask here! So about 1 1/2 months ago I bought 2 baby bristlenose and since then they have grown extremely fast and are now probably nearly double their original size! So my question is one of them has started to grow little bristles but the other 9smaller one) hasn't so does that mean I have a male and female or just a slower developing male?

Thanks Hayley :bounce:

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I will think about the net (doubt mum will let me! :( ) but can I not just put the leaves they are on now into another small tank? Would they be small enough to fall through the breeding net? The most important question at the moment is how long do they take to hatch?

Thanks Hayley :bounce:

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Snails really aren't that much of a problem really. They eat leftover food and algae, so if you have a snail explosion it's really just a symptom of something else, likely overfeeding. The only time snails are really a problem is when there's a sudden abundance of food for them, their population explodes, then their food runs out and they all die, resulting in a massive release of ammonia. But having a few snails in your tank to take care of algae or missed food is a good thing IMO, I have ramshorn populations in all of my tanks (intentionally, too). The only snails I don't like myself are malaysian trumpet snails, because they're live bearing and they reproduce so fast (although some people value them in plants with a sand substrate because they burrow and prevent the sand becoming anaerobic). Obviously though your egg patches won't be from them.

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