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Dither Fish?

David R

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I'm looking for suitable for some dithers as my pair of uaru have taken a dislike to my dat, and if they decide to breed then things are probably going to get worse. Night time doesn't seem to be too much of a problem, but the dat seems a bit more shy during the day and spends most of his time hiding under a large stump.

I don't really want anything as big as tinfoil barbs or silver dollers, and I'm not going to spend $40 on a red lined torpedo barb, I just need something quick enough and big enough to avoid becoming asnack for the 30cm ornate bichir.

How big do the bigger species of rainbow get? Any other suggestions?

Failing that I guess I'll have to sell the uaru's. :(

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Yes and no. No they're not going to rip anything within a 4' radius to shreds like an adult red devil, but they're not just going to swim aimlessly in circles like a school of rainbows or danios. From my experiences I'd rate sevrums on about the same level as uarus, they're not as mean as most CA cichlids, but they are still a cichlid.

My only problem with giant danios is that the ones for sale in shops are always snack-sized. :lol:

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i have got a pair of red rainbows that are about 10 - 11 cm. i don't know how they would go as a dither fish. They seem pretty intelligent, more like a cichlid than a dopey silver dollar. They are also a bit more pricey than a danio too though.

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