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planing new nano reef


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you wouldn't be able to put any fish in a 2 gal. a shrimp might work (A small species however.) Corals would probably be limited to zoas, button polyps and the like. Have you looked up on http://www.nano-reef.com/ ? good info there. oh and read what i wrote on http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/hi-the ... 21836.html also for a quick rundown on reef tanks. (especially regarding stability in such a small water size)

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dude- that link i gave you to reef central- have a look at the rest of that site- there is something like 200 new posts per minute so you are bound to find everything you need to know. otherwise post your questions up here and i (and others will strive to answer them!)

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tHEcONCH has just taken down his 8 litre nano because although he found it technically possible, it was a suprising amount of work to keep it healthy which made it a lot less fun than his main tank. The biggest problem was maintaining a stable temperature - even in tHEcONCH's fish room which stays pretty much the same temperature all the time, the nano's temperature still swung 7-8 degrees - tHEcONCH thinks that is because the smallest heater he could get was still too powerful for the volume of water, and the thermostat was too slow to react.

That said, tHEcONCH kept small frags of zooanthid, sarcophyton, discosoma, Xenia, and Pachyclavularia in addition to the usual compliment of snails, starfish, etc. Most of those frags are now available at your favourite fish shop (bottom tank).

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I'd have the heater on a timer to come on when the lights went out. To keep it cool, while fans would work well the amount of evaporation would neccessitate an ATO on a tank that size (unless you were really vigilant).

Have a look at the IceProbe Peltier chillers, they'd be perfect for a tank your size: saltycritter does them in 240v too I think: http://www.saltycritter.com/chillers/ic ... hiller.htm

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the wilson would like to know what tHEcONCH did with his heater and light

Hi Wilson - I've still got the whole thing - I don't really want to slpit because the other bits are useless without each other - you can buy the tank with backing paper, heater, filter, and light for (price removed) PM me.

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Sales go in the Trading areas.



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wilson wrote:

the wilson would like to know what tHEcONCH did with his heater and light

Hi Wilson - I've still got the whole thing - I don't really want to slpit because the other bits are useless without each other - you can buy the tank with backing paper, heater, filter, and light for (price removed) PM me.

Mod Note.

Sales go in the Trading areas.



ive already got tank and light

john should be getting the heater this week all going well

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If it were my only marine tank then it might be worth the effort, but since I have a RedSea Max anyway I decided to just concentrate on that. Its just less hassle and allows me to have healthier and more interesting corals.

The 8 litre was really just an experiment to see if I could do it, but I didn't find it that much fun really. The corals were OK, but didn't really flourish the way they do in the bigger system. The Max also allows me to feed relatively heavily because it has a protein skimmer whereas the little tank was already a bit marginal to start poluting the water with uneaten food.

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Hi Wilson - I've still got the whole thing - I don't really want to slpit because the other bits are useless without each other - you can buy the tank with backing paper, heater, filter, and light for (price removed) PM me.

Mod Note.

Sales go in the Trading areas.



Noted BIll, but I'm not interested in selling it to anyone other than Wilson - I'll PM him next time. :)

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that will depend if he is allowing for rock displacement or if that is the total volume of the tank.

i have not seen a cleaner shrimp larger than 8-10cm in body length but im not sure if they can get bigger than that.

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