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Fish dying


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Hi there

I have a tank which has 5 fish. My most beautiful fantail has been looking unwell for the last couple of days. Swimming on its own, fin down and today sitting around the bottom of the tank. Still eating each night though.

Now I have just found it nearly dead, lying on the bottom, then floating to the top on it side. At the same time my big blackmore nymph is swimming on his side at the top of the tank.

Has anyone any ideas what could be happening? So far the other 3 fish (2 fantails and one comet) all look normal and healthy. The two unwell ones don't have white spot and both of their bodies look normal and healthy.



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thanks for your replies. I think the tank is 54 litres and yes I do regular water changes, although, it might have been getting close to 4 weeks for this one.

I took out both the fantail and blackmore and put them into a separate bowl. Unfortunatley the fantail died (I should have acted earlier), but after a day and a half, the blackmore turned over and started swimming around like normal again.

I did a water change in the tank and have added him back. Was away for the weekend, and he was sitting back on the bottom when we got home last night. He did come up for food though, but now I notice his tail is looking shredded, so not sure if the comet started to attack him, if he wasn't well. Will do another water change tonight.

Thanks for your help.


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One fish has been there for nearly a year and the one who died, about 8 months and the others about 6 months. I have had my tank for more than a year and usually have no problems, and then out of the blue one just dies for no reason.

I did wonder if it had something to do with us lighting the fire now. - perhaps dust is getting in as they have survived quite happily through the summer.


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Have the fish grown much since you bought them? I've read somewhere that goldfish can require up to 30L each! Maybe they're outgrowing their tank and the 4 weeks was just too long for the them to cope between changes.

Have you got any test kits? I'm betting that would tell you straight away where your problem is. (I think some shops will test water for you for a fee)

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