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Can anyone tell me how long I should be leaving the light on in my tank? (It's an AR380). I've heard 10 - 12 hours is recommended, but lfs suggested just a few hours morning and evening ("save it for when you need it" was the reason given). Why is this?

Also the fish seem to go ballistic when I turn the light off in the evening. It's seems to mainly be the neons - but that may be cause they're the only one I can see when the light is off. There are 8 neons, 2 glowlights, 3 silver tips, 1 tiger barb (very calm, doesn't seem to annoy the others) and 2 kuhli's. They settle down after a few minutes, but I am just wondering if this is normal?


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If you have any real plants in the tank, then keep the lights on for 10 - 12 hours each day. If you dont have any real plants, then its up to you; you can leave them on all day (which is preferred by most) or you can just put them on for a little bit when its semi dark so you can see your fish better, and once it brightens up you could turn it off if you feel like it.

As for the fish going ballistic, its probably a big shock to go from bright, to sudden darkness, and vise versa, so if you light the surrounding room first, then turn off the tank light, then the room light, they shouldnt get as scared from the sudden change


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Have they been in your tank long? Mayed just getting a little startled when the light goes out cause they don't know it's the routine yet?

Do you have any plants in there? Do you think they may suddenly feel threatened if they can't hide when the lights go out? (I've never had neons so don't know if they're skittish!)

If you don't have plants then the light is just for show 8)

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The tank is still fairly new - about 2 months, so the fish could still be getting settled I suppose. There are 2 live plants and 1 plastic plant as well as an ornament to hide in so hiding places shouldn't be a problem. As soon as the light clicks off they start wizzing round the tank, looks like they may even be bumping into the glass, and I can hear the gravel being disturbed (watched last night - fairly sure it's not the kuhlis doing that). Lasts maybe 30 seconds to 1 minute?

Thanks for the replies regarding the length of time; 10 - 12 hours it is then. (One of the few things I've done right so far! :roll: )


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Will try Evil / Snookies methods - thanks for that. The tank is in a hallway where we leave the light on all night (for the kids getting to the bathroom) but it is in a fairly dork corner and the lighting is very dim anyway, so will try a brighter light.

you could also make a moon light

What is that?


Make that a dark corner ... :lol:

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check it up in the search option. also look in the DIY section for it. should be in the 1st 3 pages.

moonlighting gives the impression that the tank is outside under a full moon. its really good as the fish aren't plunged into total darkness and you can still kinda see them and their nocturnal habits (if they have any besides sleep). :)

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