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My New Discus


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My discus arrived from Bry (Origin Aquatics) and they are just gorgeous.. :hail:

They are in their new tank and there has been a bit of niggling going on for the past couple of days over hierarchy etc... and they are finally settling down.. I now have 2 that seem to have paired up and have been cleaning the glass and love dancing all morning :D

Here is a shot of the love birds.. more pics are yet to come, however catching them at the right moment has been a mission when I am busy doing housework, they seem to happily sit and watch behind the Vallis, I could only get a decent shot of the pair as they have come out to show off.. yet even that was difficult to get to to stop swaying at one another and stay still :roll: :lol:


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Thanks guys..

Heya shell :D The fronts are doing so well and growing! :) Love them to bits, they are the babies of the house.. and as I have stipulated to (who he thinks is the boss of the house) the fronts take centre stage :lol: We really enjoy them, we are yet to finish off slating their tank and adding more vallis, but just plugging away till finished. The Alpha male is so friendly, he's always the first one there at feed times, and the rest follow like sheep :D

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