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Synodontis Vermiculatus


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I have one who is a fair size.. compared to our other Synos he is more of the trouble maker... we have kept rather a few synos and still keep a few to this day.. vermicuated included.. he is definately more stroppy than my other species of synos.. and wouldn't trust him with small fish either.. ie small tetras, these synos get very big apparently... and I was also given another vermiculated a while back for the very reason that he liked small fish too much :lol: They are a beautiful syno tho and well worth keeping :D

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I have one and he's awesome. I have him with slightly bigger fish like odessa barbs and black widows and a few larger catfish. The only fish he has spats with is my featherfin, but even then they are short lived and not particularly violent.

You've made a good choice :D

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