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Gourami's acting Crazy.


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Last night I noticed all my Gourami's acting really edgy and chasing each other around (more than usual :-? ) They include male and female Dwarf Gourami's and 2 Pearl gouramis. Normally they chase each other round a wee bit but I think they are starting to get really territorial now.

It's freaking out my other fish :o

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Its probably because the one doing the chasing is getting really horny and shooing all the other fish away from his crib :wink:

lol i love it when that happens - it's like someone's flipped a switch and they can't think of anything else, but they're so busy chasing and defending that they don't get around to doing the bad thing at all :lol:

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Actually that makes a bit of sense. I did notice a bunch of bubbles in the plants.

Don't know if I can be bothered raising the tank temp and doing the water changes I've heard about to get the dwarfs to do their thing. :-?

Might just see what happens over the next few days.

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Last night I noticed my male dwarf gourami has made a massive bubble nest that's actually bulging on the surface of the water :o

But he keeps everyone away from the nest, including the female . :-?

If he doesn't mate with the female how long could I expect this behavior to continue?

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I've noticed my Pearl gourami's acting weird as well, I was told by LFS that they are all Female, Not so sure myself. Is anyone able to help me reliably identify the sex of my Pearl Gouramis. Some of the info on the net is contradictory. Pic's of male and female dorsal fins anyone?

I'm fairly new to breeding, hopefully my killie eggs hatch

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