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can guppys re-grow their fins?


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i have a community tank with several guppies (3 males, 6 females); 6 killifish, 6 zebra danios, 4 gouramis (2 dwarf), 5 corydoras and 5 bristlenose.

a few weeks ago one of the male guppies was brutally attacked, his entire flowing tail fin was reduced to a stump and he was hiding at the bottom of our metre long tank. i'm not sure who is to blame for this...

i took him out to a smaller tank (no other fish) thinking he'd have to be put down... a day or so later he seemed to be learning to swim with his stump.

its now a few weeks later and he's looking a lot healthier and it seems as if his flowing tail fin is growing, is this possible?! or is it just he's feeling better and has learnt to live without it?


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the community tank is heavily planted with many caves etc. i don't want it to happen to him again, he was so distraught when i got him out a few weeks ago... i might wait til he's a bit stronger, give him a few weeks?

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Often a fish will become the 'victim' in a tank. I had a male swordtail that began to be picked on my another male sword and when he showed signs of weakness the others started to bully him too. If u do put him back in make sure he is healthy and that u keep an eye on him.

Good luck with him!!! :lol:

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its likely he was the victim, he was the smallest male guppy and seemed to be a bit of a loner. i think i might leave him in safety until he's strong or else provide him with a friend of another species.

the gouramis that were in the tank at the time of the attack were a pair of dwarf gouramis (a pair of pearl gouramis are now in the community). the male of the dwarf's seems a bit territorial but only with the male pearl.

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